Result: 56 vacancies
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Submit your CV, we will contact you as soon as we have relevant openings
Send your CV, apply via LinkedIn or contact us with a job application. Once we hear from you, our professional recruiter will follow you up via preferable messenger for a small talk. You will get more details about the vacancy, share your expectations, and if everything goes well, we’ll get down to the next steps.
We hold most interviews online at a time that works best for you, since our hiring knows no borders. You're also welcome to visit our office if there's one in your city.
Technical Interview: A conversation with one of our technical specialists goes first. They will not only evaluate your skills and knowledge but offer useful recommendations for your personal development if necessary.
HR Interview: Following the technical part, you will get a chance to find out more about ELEKS’ life, compensation package and benefits. You will be able to share your motivation and ask all the questions you forgot to ask before.
PM Interview: The last step is a meeting with the Project Manager to talk about the project, team and client. Our PM will make sure the position fits your skill set and you become a perfect match for the team.
On the final step we will agree on working conditions and goals.
Afterwards, you will be asked to sign a job offer.